Wednesday 15 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Russia is clearly trying to provoke the U.S. Most people are saying the U.S is not going to take the bait .There is another theory that the Russian’s are trying to demonstrate to Eastern European countries who assume that at the end of the cold war, they are now in NATO and they will be protected, they have seen what happened in Georgia, Ukraine, have seen the flaccidity of the Obama administration to all the provocation of the Russians. They want to prove to the Eastern Europeans you cannot count on the United States. This is a humiliation to the U.S many have voiced out.

Russian President Putin  is all about how to reestablish Russia as a war power ,as a power to reckon with ,you are not going to ignore us anymore, and by the way by doing all that am going to pock the United State in the eye" former Defense Secretary Roberts Gates said in an interview with Fox News.
Former Defenses Secretary Leon Panetta said in an interview with Fox News “He is somebody if you don’t deal with him from strength, he will try to take advantage of you, that’s the way he operates”.

Russian war planes configured in simulated attack profile buzzing the decks of the U.S Navy Destroyers.

 Fox News reported “The USS Donald Cook (ddg-75) was conducting flight operations with a polish helicopter Monday when two Russian Su-24 attack aircraft approached at an ‘unsafe’ speed and altitude and buzzed the Navy destroyer as the helicopter was taking off from the destroyer’s flight deck, the official told Fox News. The Russian Jets came within 1000 yards of the  destroyer, flying just 100 feet off the ground ,a defense official said .The next day ,a Russian jet came 30 feet of the destroyer.


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