Wednesday 15 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Michael Jackson's Health Issues

Dr. Murray was found guilty of involuntary man slaughter which he spent two years behind bars. People acknowledge Dr. Murray didn't intend MJ to die. He administered propofol which was supposed to make MJ sleep but rather it killed the Mega Star.

There are  those who feel Dr. Murray is a Saint whiles others think he is the Devil whiles other say he is a human being  .He stand convicted of another human being and isn't not based on simple negligence but also criminal negligence.
It is important to emphasize the standard of criminal negligence found by the jury by reasonable doubts because some may feel is a Medical malpractice case but It is a criminal homicide case .The jury found that the Defendant with criminal negligence caused the death of Michael Jackson disclosed.

 Murray disclosed MJ was living a life of pain. He also said Michael Jackson became penniless and there was at a point in time he couldn't pay him Murray for months, not even pay for the toilet papers the daughter will use.
 Murray was slammed with criminal negligence. Criminal negligence is being  involved in  more than ordinary carelessness, inattention or mistake of judgment .A person is said to have being involved of  criminal negligence when he or she fails to perform a  legal duty in a reckless way that creates a high rate of death or injury.  MJ died because of the actions of and the failure to perform legal duties, totality of circumstances but not some kind of mistake or accident but a series of decisions that jeopardize MJ health.

 Dr. Murray who recorded MJ have being heavily criticized as critics say he wanted to use it as his Insurance Policy. It was designed to record his patient when he was MJ was most vulnerable most, which is a horrific violation of trust .This is also a betrayal of Trust of Patient-doctor relationships. Dr. Murray served for two years out of the four year sentence because of good behavior


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