Wednesday 15 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016


Famous Ghanaian controversial Pastor Prophet Bishop Obinim has being in the news for proclaiming he could metamorphose into different creatures  and  different state of matter like snake ,dogs, Lion, air, etc.. The proclamations has led to  lot of criticisms from the general populace in Ghana ,ranging from insults on media with Afia Schwarzenegger which led to serious  exchange of offensive words on the media.    

Prophet Obinim has also attacked respectable pastors Rev Sam Korankye Ankrah (Apostle General Royal house Chapel International) who describes the pronouncement by Obinim as Heresy, magic unchristian ,not biblical and unfortunately giving people the chance to make mockery of Christianity.
Obinim is said to be misleading lots of Ghanaians to Hell.

Prophet Owusu Bempah has also calls Obinim as Kwadwo Edem has criticized Obinim for such outrageous proclamations and disclosed he is into occultism and knows the source of power he is operating with.
Recently Obinim has also accepted a battle of spiritual power against Ghanaian renowned fetish priest among the local populace known as komfo Appiah. 


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