Monday 27 June 2016

Monday 27 June 2016


                                                     GAME CHANGERS        

The Social and Publicity Department of Zetex Inc.. has being transformed by the  works  of two gentlemen who believe you don’t get paid for having ideas but you get  paid for making them happen. Their unpredicted wisdom transient’s conventional wisdom and this has transformed zetex over the years.

Their background in social sciences have transformed the company in developing our systems which influence the society in a positive path. The Game Changers always say" don’t  wait for opportunities but create it".


The commencing of Zetex Post back in 2015 was highly pioneered by  these social scientist who saw the need for the software developing company Zetex Inc.. to have a social platform of its own ,which will be the social mouthpiece separated from the official act ivies of Zetex Inc..

Team Zetex acknowledge their services to course.


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